
EPG PRAGUE 2004 Conference submissions generally must be in the electronic form. There is no prescribed formatting of abstracts. However, a few limitations have to be observed. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and in order to facilitate the reviewing process, they should also contain a title, three (3) keywords and selected references. Naturally, they should also include the full names of author(s) and appropriate affiliations. Submissions should be sent to by January 23, 2004.

All submissions will be subject to reviewing by members of the Programme Committee and other referees. Senders will be notified of acceptance by February 13, 2004 with guidelines for preparation of your camera-ready manuscript. Conference proceedings will be issued in volume of ISBN. */ ?> Submission of abstract is closed.

Dear author of EPG Prague 2004 Conference accepted paper,

Thank you for your interest in presenting your paper in the EPG Prague 2004 Conference. We would highly appreciate if you follow the attached instructions for authors of accepted paper printed in the EPG proceedings.
The instructions also can be found on (*.rtf).

Please note that your paper has to be sent by April 9, 2004 to be insert in the EPG proceedings. The maximum length of the paper is 8 pages A4 size; we hope in your kind consideration of the fact that each additional page had to be charged 50 EUR per page due to the number of expected papers.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

      Yours Sincerely

Richard Ruzicka
Milena Zeithamlová
On Behalf of EPG Organisers
Action M Agency

Vrsovicka 68
101 00 Praha 10
Phone: +420 267 312 333-4
Fax: +420 267 310 503

Estimado autor de ponencia aceptada para la EPG Prague 2004 Conference,

Por medio de la presente quisiéramos comunicarle la complacencia que encontramos en que haya Usted presentado interés por impartir una ponencia en la EPG Prague 2004 Conference.
Le solicitamos que, a la hora de elaborar el texto de su comunicación, siga los principios senalados en el el documento adjunto. Las instrucciones al autor podrán consultarse también en la página web (*.rtf).

Rogamos tenga en cuenta el plazo de aceptación de ponencias: su comunicación debe ser enviada antes del 9 de abril de 2004 para poder ser incorporada en el libro de actas de la EPG Conference. La extensión de la ponencia no debe superar ocho páginas A4; dadas las condiciones técnicas, nos veríamos obligados a someter toda página extra a un importe adicional de 50 euros por página. Rogamos disculpen las molestias.

El libro de actas ya citado será provisto de un índice de autores alfabético. Con la intención de evitar incorreciones causadas por diferencia de hábitos, solicitamos destaque de una manera clara e inconfundible el apellido bajo el cual desee figurar en el registro.

    Agradecemos sinceramente su comprensión y colaboración.

      Con atentos saludos,

Richard Ruzicka
Milena Zeithamlová
en nombre de los organizadores

Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Department of Sociology Celetna 20
116 42 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 491 535
Fax: +420 224 491 614

Action M Agency
Vrsovicka 68
101 00 Praha 10
Phone: +420 267 312 333-4
Fax: +420 267 310 503