Abstract Submission Form

Authors should prepare one page abstract of every presentation to be included into the Book of Abstracts obtained at the registration desk.

The maximum length of an Abstract should no more than an A4 page (approximately 400-450 words). If you are using not only plain English text with formulas, please upload the layout.

The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by SPIE and received after the conference. All the Conference contributions will be reviewed for content and technical merit.

SPIE manuscript
Download SPIE manuscript and please send the camera ready paper to Miroslav Miler.

Please bring your Camera ready version printed and on CD or floppy disc to the conference desk.

Abstract Submission Deadline is April 1, 2006

Contact Author's Name:


Title of Abstract:



I intend to submit:

oral presentation      poster presentation

No of Topic Abstract:


(400 - 450 words - plain text only)

(400 - 450 words - with formulas and pictures)

    Upload File:
Please ensure that you have completed all fields.